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This app helps you protect your home security with sound. It detects loud noises and records audio, photos, and videos, then writes them to iCloud Drive as specified and notifies you of calendar events (iOS13 and later). This allows you to instantly share videos across all iPhones and Macs signed in with the same Apple ID. 
* To share iCloud Drive content, you must have iCloud Drive turned on, and to receive calendar events, you must have Calendar "Allow Notifications" turned on.
It also plays the sound of a dog barking as an alert sound.

This app works as follows:

(0) After launching the application, press the tool button on the bottom right to go to the settings screen and specify the action to be taken when a loud sound is detected:

- Write content (sound, photos, videos) to iCloud Drive

- Trigger a calendar event (iOS13 and later)

Also specify whether or not to acquire the following content:

- Sound (5 seconds/10 seconds)

- Photos (low quality/normal quality)

- Video (quality: low quality/normal quality, recording time: 5 seconds/10 seconds)

Finally, specify whether or not to trigger an alarm (dog barking).

(1) When you tap the Start button, it will begin detecting loud sounds.
(2) If it detects a loud sound that exceeds the detection threshold, it will do the following:

- Record the audio at the time.

- Take a photo with the built-in camera.

- Record a video with the built-in camera.

- Write the above content to iCloud Drive if you specify.

- Trigger a calendar event if you specify. (Valid for iOS 13 and later)

- Finally, it will sound an alarm itself if you specify.
(3) After the above is finished, it will resume detecting loud sounds.

To do this perfectly, set your iPhones "Auto-Lock" to "Never." Also, connect your phone to an external power source so that it does not run out of power. Set the external camera facing the direction of the intruder (as far away as possible) so that it can capture the decisive scene. You will also need to be connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi or similar.
This app is compatible with Japanese and English environments.

Please use this app only as a DIY part.
This app does not provide any guarantees for any reason.